In todays modern world a number of important factors need to be looked at when we are designing or building our own dream Home. The simplest part of building a house is the construction of its outer shell or the building. Then the real work starts. The interiors and its designing are one aspect with many sub aspects to be considered in the finishing of your house into a dream home.
A good lighting design takes into consideration many aspects like aesthetic designs, power consumption, lumens , colour temperatures and so on. Each room in a home has to have certain properties associated with ideal lighting. There is an ideal light for the bedroom, for the Drawing or sitting room, for the kitchen and dining room and for exteriors or washrooms.
For a bedroom a light which has around 800 lumens is considered ideal. This gives you enough light for reading but is also not bright enough to keep you awake. For Kitchens and an ideal lighting should reflect 60 to 80 lumens per sq. Ft of space. This rule generally applies for the working area of the kitchen. Generally, for the living room the lighting fixtures should be having adjustable levels. Depending on the activity being carried out the lighting may be adjusted.
With the increase in the usage of energy-based household utilities it has become necessary to have more power efficient lighting. That means the need for lighting with higher lumens but a lower energy consumption overall. The last twenty years have seen the advent of LED lights which has on one hand lowered the consumption of energy in lighting the home. On the other hand, the advent of more electronic gadgets like air conditioners, electric cooking ranges, micro ovens, deep freezers etc has increased the overall energy consumption in a home. For the outdoors the HPSV lamps are proving to be energy savers.
What type of light suits or is required for which home areas?
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Bedrooms : For bedrooms a light bulb which gives around 60 watts of light or 800 lumens of light is an ideal light. This gives you sufficient light to be able to read if you wish but also is not so bright that it will keep you awake if you fall asleep whilst reading. The ideal lampshade would be an overhanging one in the centre with two-night lamps on the bed side tables.
Living room : The living room requires more of lighting which can be adjustable with use of dimmers. The lighting in a living room needs to be adjusted mostly with the type of mood or the gathering in the room. If the gathering is small a more intimate and soft lighting will be more suitable and for larger gatherings the lighting has to be brighter. Corners lamps and lamps which highlight certain prominent points in a room like a particular painting or wall are used to give the living room that fancy effect. Dimmers can be used in Living rooms to increase or decrease the intensity of light as per the requirement.
Kitchen: In a kitchen the cooking area requires a brighter light than the rest of the kitchen. Sunken lights under the cabinets, led lights which illuminate the interiors of the cabinets when opened are very practical.
Bathroom: The ideal light for a bathroom is an overhead light of around 800 lumens plus brighter lights in front of the mirrors to give better accomplishment of tasks like shaving or makeup.
House Exteriors. The lighting for the house exteriors has to be bright keeping in view the security aspect of protecting your home from break ins.